Saturday, April 25, 2009

Let's Go Mavs!

Today Steven took me to game 4 of the first round of playoffs for the Mavs. Anyone who knows me knows that I love to watch sports; Cowboys, Stars, Texas Tech, etc....but at the top of my list are the Mavericks...I absolutely love them! We played the San Antonio Spurs, and there is one player on that team that I can not stand, Tim Duncan. He is an absolute whiner / crybaby! So I made a sign and it was a HIT! I was told by at least 50 people that it was the best sign they had seen and several people stopped to take a picture of me with the sign. It was even featured on the Jumbo-tron!

1 comment:

Constance said...

May I have your autograph?
Love, Mom

Hey everyone! That's my artsy-fartsy daughter!