Monday, April 13, 2009

What's New?

It's been a while since I have blogged about life around Casa de Leija, and there is a reason why...I have been so BLAH the past few weeks! When I visited the neurologist about a month ago she decided to put me on an anti-seizure medicine (Amitriptyline). It's primary use is for treating depression, but is also an 'unapproved' treatment for migraines. Some of the side effects are drowsiness (it is a sedative), naseua and weight gain as well as altering your mood. Well, as luck would have it, I have all of those side effects. I can't seem to wake up in the morning, I feel sick to my stomach all the time, I have been really hitting the cardio/weight watchers for 3 weeks and have actually gained weight and last but not least...I am not my usual self. I am not perky at all...just very...well, blah. I was trying to let it run it's course to see if once my body gets adjusted it would go away, but the other day I really started to have some strange thoughts that I knew weren't healthy so I called the neurologist immediately and set up an appointment to discuss other options. The migraines, for the most part, have defintely lessened, but I really can not deal with these side effects. So tomorrow I go in and hopefully will have this all worked out...and I can be back to 'usual Jess'.

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