Monday, August 24, 2009

A New School Year!

Wow, has it really been 2 months since I last blogged?! I think it is a combination of summer vacation and the fact that all of my followers are also I get to catch up with them there!

Well, to kick of me blogging again I thought I would share a photo from this morning.Yep, that's our Jacey, headed to her first day of 2nd grade! I know a lot of mom's are thinking, "woohoo! summer's over, house to myself again!" But I am not. I love my time with Jacey and I just count down the time until 3pm when I can go pick her up. Most days I get there a bit early because I want to get her the second she comes out. Jacey is blossoming into such an amazing, thoughtful and responsible young lady. She is so unique and has such a great personality; she is such an incredible blessing to our family!

After we said our prayers last night she informed me that she would not be needing me to walk her in tomorrow; she could handle it on her own. Surprisingly, I wasn't sad about that. I like seeing her have some independence and taking charge of new situations.

Not only did Jacey start school today, but I start as well. My load this semester is much lighter, but I am more excited about my classes then I have ever been in the past. I am taking Digital Imaging II (heavy photoshop class) and Portraiture II (lighting and posing for portraits). I can not wait! The only drawback is that my classes are in the evenings, which cuts in to family time. But, it's only 2 days a week so it's not so bad.

I will update tomorrow on how her first day of 2nd grade went!


Constance said...

She is such a sweet little thing! What a blessing she is! Love you!

PS I added a couple of pics to today's entry!

Janie said...

Most Mom's are shouting "woohoo!" when their kids go back to school because they no longer have to pay for summer care! You are very blessed to be able to stay home with your daughter and not have to miss any of those moments with her, and I can see that you know that already. You have a beautiful daughter and you seem to be a wonderful mother. Best of luck on your new school year as well.